
Keyword: external cost

Condom Economics (3/7/2007)

The externality and time horizon of costs and benefits bedevil college distribution of condoms.

Keywords: casual sex, condom, external benefit, external cost, honor system, opportunity cost, pregnancy, private benefit, private cost, sexually transmitted diseases, short-term vs long term, subsidy, vending machines

Congestion Pricing (1/10/2007)

Road tolls that vary directly with congestion have reduced peak-hour traffic volume in Singapore and Stockholm by forcing commuters to internalize congestion cost.

Keywords: commons resource, commuting, congestion pricing, external cost, externality, Singapore, Stockholm, toll, traffic

External Benefit and External Cost (11/2/2011)

External cost and external benefit exist because some property rights have not been clearly defined and enforced. Their existence leads to misallocation of resources.

Keywords: Coase Theorem, external benefit, external cost, externality, property rights

External Benefit and External Cost (transcript) (3/27/2007)

The existence of external cost and external benefit leads to misallocation of resources.

Keywords: Coase Theorem, external benefit, external cost, externality, internalization, resource allocation

Metered Consumption (3/7/2007)

Resource conservation depends on who pays and the time horizon of costs vs benefits.

Keywords: energy conservation metering, energy efficiency, external cost, fixed cost, insulation, internal cost, landlord, life cycle cost, long-term benefit, marginal cost, private cost, property right, short-term cost, social cost, tenants, water

One Road's Congestion Is Another Road's Revenue (12/21/2001)

Charging motorists for contributing to rush-hour congestion may be economists' dream of internalizing negative externality on toll roads but politicians' nightmare when competing highways are free.

Keywords: 91 Express Lanes, California Private Transportation, Caltrans, congestion pricing, external cost, negative externality, non-compete clause, Orange County, revenue, Riverside Expressway, toll road, traffic, value pricing

Property Rights and Externality (7/7/2006)

Transferable and enforceable property rights encourage investment and high-valued uses.

Keywords: barbed wire, cattle ranching, commons, enforcement cost, external benefit, external cost, externality, ownership, Property rights, spillovers, transferability